It is one of the greatest compliments for a photographer when a friend of a past client (and great friend!) reaches out for photos! Sang Mee and I met a couple of times through Katie, and it was such an honor when she asked me to document Bairre’s first birthday! In Korean tradition, the First Birthday Party is called Doljanchi, and is a major celebration. The ceremony, Doljabi, takes place during the First Birthday Doljanchi. During the Doljabi, the birthday child chooses an item which symbolizes a blessing or path for the future. You’ll be so excited to see which item Bairre chose!
I arrived at Sang Mee’s family’s Martial Arts Studio the morning of Bairre’s birthday. Bairre’s family had decorated the studio beautifully and everything was ready for the Doljanchi! The day was wonderful! We had so much fun chasing Bairre around the studio, catching up with friends, and taking part in the Doljabi ceremony. Bairre had no hesitation! He chose the string right away, which symbolizes long life and vitality – his dad was pleased!
Sang Mee and Owen, thank you for sharing your sweet family with me and trusting me to document this momentous time in your lives! I so enjoyed getting to be a part of your family’s culture and the special traditions surrounding Bairre’s first birthday! Enjoy the photos!
Bairre is so strong, he was playing tug-of-war with his momma!
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